Your support is an investment in the prosperous and fruitful future of St. Bernard Parish.
Support SBEDF
As we look forward, continuing our momentum is not without challenges. The support of our private partners is absolutely pivotal in our ability to accomplish our mission and expand our impact.
Please consider supporting SBEDF and St. Bernard Parish. Our investors share a commitment to creating and promoting vibrant communities. Your support is an investment in the prosperous and fruitful future of St. Bernard Parish.
With financial support from the business community, SBEDF is able to strengthen its economic development infrastructure to ensure St. Bernard Parish is competitive and well positioned to capitalize on investment and help expand our economy. All investments go directly towards our main objectives: job growth, enhanced perception, improved quality of life, and creating a healthy business environment.
Investors in SBEDF enjoy various benefits, including:
Recognition on website, social media, and marketing collateral
Verbal recognition at designated events
Co-branding opportunities
Business retention and expansion assistance
Making a difference in St. Bernard Parish
Our Investors

Our investment in SBEDF is a reflection of our commitment to the people and organizations of St. Bernard Parish and the region. We're proud to support SBEDF's extraordinary work to make St. Bernard an incredible place to live, work and visit.
— Kim Keene, St. Bernard Parish Hospital, Oscher Health System