Talent & Workforce Development
Our work in economic development only matters if it provides opportunity to working people in St. Bernard Parish.
With many partners, from other economic development foundations to our K-12 schools to our local and regional institutions of higher education, SBEDF works to prepare, attract and retain talent that will encourage economic development and improve quality of life. We want people to be able to get an education, buy a home, raise a family, start a business, and realize their dreams all right here in St. Bernard Parish.
Training and Education
Nunez Community College
Nunez Community College offers a wide range of technical and employment related training programs. Courses are scheduled in such fields as industrial technology, computer science, teaching, welding, health services, HVAC as well as culinary arts, clerical, paralegal and other occupational fields.
And, to top it off, Nunez his home to a completely revamped Workforce Development and Continuing Education department. To learn more about their current offerings or how they can create a customized program for you, click here.
Louisiana Workforce Development Commission
The Louisiana Workforce Commission is a key resource and partner in serving the needs of industry and labor. Visit their site for information about training, incentives, and other Workforce development topics relevant to Louisiana and St. Bernard.
Workforce Solutions & Incentives
Tri-Parish Works
Tri-Parish Works is the one-stop destination for employers and job seekers in St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Plaquemines Parishes. With funding from the Louisiana Workforce Commission, the Center provides multiple programs to employers at no charge to them. Services include free job postings, recruitment/applicant screening assistance, workforce training grants, space for job fairs as well as labor market information to help fulfill workforce needs. Job seekers can benefit from computer-based career planning programs, resume information and interviewing resources. The Job Center also provides veteran and youth services.
For assistance, contact your local center in St. Bernard at (504) 278-6209 or visit the office at 3700 La Fontaine St. Nunez Kane Building | Chalmette, LA 70043 or their website at www.triparishworks.net.
Tri-Parish Works: On-the-Job Training
Tri-Parish Works offers a program referred to as On-the-Job Training. This program is employer-based training for individuals interested in working but lacking the skills and knowledge needed for a specific job. The employer is reimbursed a percentage of the salary associated with training the employee. Most occupations that qualify for this training require a minimum training period of 160 hours to acquire skills and knowledge appropriate to the job for which they are being trained. There is a concise employer application process that the employer will complete with the assistance of a staff member at the office in St. Bernard. This is a great way to obtain quality retainable employees with little cost to the employer during the training period. Please contact the local office at (504) 278-6209 or visit the office at 3700 La Fontaine St. Nunez Kane Building | Chalmette, LA 70043 or their website at www.triparishworks.net.
Incumbent Worker Training Program: Customized Training Program
The Incumbent Worker Training Program is a partnership between the Louisiana Workforce Commission, businesses and training providers. The IWTP is designed to benefit business and industry by assisting in the skill development of existing employees and thereby increasing employee productivity and the growth of the company. These improvements are expected to result in the creation of new jobs, the retention of jobs that otherwise may have been eliminated and an increase in wages for trained workers. The Customized Training program allows an employer or a consortium of employers with a minimum of 15 employees who need training an opportunity to determine the type of training needed and the training provider. Employers must have been in business in the state for at least three years and contributing to state unemployment insurance tax laws.
For more information, contact Bernadine Dupre at 504-568-7230 or visit the Louisiana Workforce Commission online at www.laworks.net.
Incumbent Worker Training Program: Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET)
The Incumbent Worker Training Program is a partnership between the Louisiana Workforce Commission, businesses and training providers. The IWTP is designed to benefit business and industry by assisting in the skill development of existing employees and thereby increasing employee productivity and the growth of the company. These improvements are expected to result in the creation of new jobs, the retention of jobs that otherwise may have been eliminated and an increase in wages for trained workers. SBET is designed for employers with 50 or fewer employees to assist in the skill development of an existing employee through individual, standardized (off-the-shelf) training. Employers must have been in business in the state for at least three years and contributing to state unemployment insurance tax laws.
For more information, contact Bernadine Dupre at 504-568-7230 or visit the Louisiana Workforce Commission online at www.laworks.net.
Louisiana FastStart
Louisiana FastStart, launched in 2008 by Louisiana Economic Development (LED), provides customized recruitment, screening and training to new and expanding companies at no cost. The program is available to manufacturers, corporate headquarters, warehouse and distribution, research and development or other strategic facilities that commit to creating a net of at least 15 new permanent jobs, or any service-related operation that commits to creating a net of at least 50 new permanent jobs. Service industries, headquarters and warehouse and distribution companies must have a majority of sales out of state.
For additional information, contact Paul Helton, Executive Director of Louisiana FastStart, at 225-342-5543 or visit LED online at www.opportunitylouisiana.com.
The Southeast Regional Reentry Program Orleans Parish Correctional Center
The Re-Entry Program, created with funding from a Department of Corrections grant in 2010, allows former offenders most at-risk for recidivism an opportunity to finish out their sentence in a specialized program receiving counseling, and learning soft skills, and working to fill out job applications. Case management will work with participants to continue rehabilitation and training. The program began under Mayor Landrieu in New Orleans and has since expanded throughout the region to include Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes.
For more information, contact the Director, Leo Hayden at (504) 822-8000 or visit the office at 819 Broad Street | New Orleans, LA 70119.
Reboot Your Career
The Reboot Your Career program is designed to support workers who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 to re-train for available jobs on high-wage career pathways. Governor John Bel Edwards prioritized federal CARES Act funding for this critical initiative, which is available now through the spring of 2021. Learn more here.
UNO Professional & Continuing Education (PaCE)
PaCE offers a growing portfolio of market-driven, engaging learning programs to help you progress in your lifelong educational journey. All of the certificates, courses, workshops & trainings are taught by industry leaders and faculty who have a passion for and commitment to student success. Whether you are a working professional looking to boost your skills or someone who wants to completely change fields or careers, PaCE provides you with the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills from talented educators while simultaneously growing your professional network. Learn more here.
Tulane School of Professional Advancement (SOPA)
The Tulane School of Professional Advancement, or SoPA, offers you a potentially life-changing opportunity to further develop your professional skills and position yourself for career advancement. Tulane has a long history of educating working adults; SoPA is the most current evolution of that long-term commitment. SoPA offers applied learning programs that incorporate both industry-relevant knowledge and a grounding in the liberal arts. Learn more here.
Additional Resources
Tri-Parish Works
Tri-Parish Works and the First Planning District WorkForce Development Board are committed to high-value business workforce solutions and meeting your needs as an employer in St. Bernard Parish. They offer customized employee recruitment, on-the-job training wage reimbursements, customized training and tax credits.
WorkNOLA is the leading website for professional employment listings in the Greater New Orleans region. Now powered by Greater New Orleans, Inc., the project strives to increase the economic strength of the region by connecting a talented workforce with the needs of area companies and organizations. The platform is free to use for job seekers and employers.
504ward is a nonprofit initiative with a mission to attract, support, and retain young professionals in the Greater New Orleans region. Supported by the New Orleans Business Alliance, 504ward connects the 21 to 35 year old demographic to key events, people, organizations, and opportunities throughout the city.